Technology Services

N3 Services is focused on small businesses and bringing enterprise grade technology and tools to those small businesses in an affordable manner.  We have a collection of partners that we work with to help deliver those solutions and many of them we use in our own business and personal lives.

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Service Categories

  • Collaboration - Collaboration Tools are critical for your team(s) to work together digitally with each other and the community you support.  N3 will help you implement and utilize your tools effectively.
  • Data Protection - Protecting your data is critical in today's technology.  Whether your data is on-site or in a public cloud, it should always be protected by the 3-2-1 method.  3 copies of data, 2 different types of media, and 1 of those being off-site.
  • Office / Site Networking - More often that not, small businesses try to work with residential grade network equipment.  Stepping up to enterprise grade network equipment will allow your endpoints to work to their best ability while only being a small up-charge in cost of equipment.
  • Security - Security is the most talked about discipline in IT today.  It is also one of the most complicated, but it doesn't have to be.  Using some of the products we offer or the connections with security experts will make sure your business is protected the way it needs to be.
  • Pro-Services / Consultations - N3 Offers various professional services that are done either on-site or remotely along with consultations with industry experts to solve the technology problems you have.  Let us create a custom road map that delivers what you want in a timeline that you need.